ACSI reweights the US large-cap market to favor companies that have performed well in surveys of customer satisfaction. Each firm is scored based on how its customers rate it in three categories: customer expectations, perceived quality, and perceived value. The portfolio is generally comprised of about 25 to 35 companies which are weighted in tiers. First step includes guardrails at the sector level, such that sector weights could be adjusted upward or downward to better reflect its weight in the overall US large-cap market. Industries within each sector are then weighted based on their highest-scored companies, and lastly, securities within an industry are equally weighted, with caps of up to 12% per security. If necessary, ACSI will hold sector ETFs to maintain diversification when there arent enough eligible companies in a sector. Survey data is collected over a rolling 12-month periodwith updates at least quarterly. The index is rebalanced quarterly.
公司网站 :
公司总部:American Customer Satisfaction ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds