AMAX provides exposure to an array of securities including fixed income such as MBS, ABS, CMBS, corporate investment-grade bonds, convertibles, high yields, US government or agency-issued bonds, and ETNs. Equities may include dividend paying securities, REITs and preferred securities from any sector or market-cap. These securities are selected using an investment model that factors in price momentum, volatility, comparative indicators, and a recession model (measures the probability of a recession within the next several months based on leading economic indicators). When the model shows a negative market trend, the Fund may hedge by investing in treasury bonds, ETNs and leveraged/inverse ETFs. As an actively managed fund, AMAX may have a high level of portfolio turnover. Effective as of the close of business on Nov. 12, 2021, the fund was converted from Adaptive Hedged Multi-Asset Income Fund, an open-end mutual fund to an ETF, with $19 million USD in asset.
公司网站 :
公司总部:Adaptive Hedged Multi-Asset Income ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds