DRAG focuses on Chinas economic drivers by investing in the countrys most prominent and innovative companies, known as China Dragons. Using a proprietary methodology, the adviser selects from an initial universe of the 100 largest Chinese firms, narrowed down based on market size, liquidity, and technological innovation. Holdings will comprise five to ten companies, equally weighted and rebalanced quarterly. The fund primarily gains exposure through ADRs or derivatives such as swap agreements and forward contracts on ADRs. Some ADRs may involve Variable Interest Entities, which offer indirect access to Chinese firms but come with specific regulatory risks. For compliance purposes, derivatives are valued at their notional amounts. Investments may also include US government securities or money market funds as collateral. The fund is concentrated in sectors like consumer discretionary, communication services, and information technology.
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公司总部:Roundhill ETF Trust Roundhill China Dragons ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds