FNDB is passively managed to hold a broad market US portfolio screened using RAFI's signature fundamental methodology. The index selects, ranks, and weights companies based on 5-year averages of sales, operating cash flow, and dividends plus buybacks. The idea is to overweight firms that generate a lot of cash through sales and return a good chunk of it to shareholders. Despite these machinations, the fund seems to mirror a market-like portfolio. The index is rebalanced on a quarterly basis. Note: FNDB's underlying index changed its name from the Russell Fundamental U.S. Index to the Russell RAFI U.S. Index on December 1, 2016. There were no changes in index methodology or exposure. Effective June 21, 2024, the index changed to RAFI Fundamental High Liquidity US All Index. Prior to this date, the fund was called Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF.
公司网站 :
公司总部:Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds