FNDE is part of Charles Schwab's fundamental suite, targeting the emerging markets large-cap space with a distinctive approach. The fund tracks an index that screens the universe based on RAFI's signature fundamental factors: sales, cash flow, and equity returns to shareholders. These three metrics are combined to produce a fundamentally weighted selection universe. The top 87.5% of this universe is then included in the large-company index. In practice, this strategy may produce material sector tilts with a value bias and some volatility. The index is rebalanced on a quarterly basis. Note: The underlying index changed its name on December 1, 2016, from Russell Fundamental Emerging Markets Large Company Index to Russell RAFI Emerging Market Large Company Index. On June 21, 2024, the index changed to RAFI Fundamental High Liquidity Emerging Markets Index. Prior to this date, the fund was called Schwab Fundamental Emerging Markets Large Company Index ETF.
公司网站 :
公司总部:Schwab Fundamental Emerging Markets Equity ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds