JUST screens down the Russell 1000 Index by selecting stocks with the highest ranking for their business practices towards environmental, social, and governance issues. Index construction begins with the index provider conducting a public survey to identify business behavior priorities. The index provider develops metrics and assigns weightings to correspond to the behaviors identified based on relative importance. For example: how companies treat their workers (23%), their customers (19%), their products (17%), the environment (13%), the communities they interact with (11%), job creation (10%) and their shareholders (6%). The index is reconstituted annually based on the survey results. As such, JUST may be more responsive to topical ESG issues. Stocks are scored and ranked against their industry peers, with the top half being selected for inclusion in the index. Individual stocks are weighted by market-cap within their respective industry and industry weightings are matched to the Russell 1000.
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公司总部:New York
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds