PIN aims for broad exposure to Indian stocks, eliminating only the bottom decile that dont pass its yield and quality screens. The index starts with stocks traded on National Stock Exchange of India, and then ranks them by trailing 12-month yield and removes the bottom 10%. The index also ranks by quality, a combination of profitability (return on assets, asset turnover and accruals) and leverage ratio, and removes the bottom 10%. (Financial firms use ROA only for quality.) Stocks are market-cap-weighted, subject to some position limits. Individual positions are capped at 10% for largest stock, 9% for 2nd etc. on through the top 6 names, subject to a cap of 40% total for individual positions greater than 5%. The index is reviewed semi-annually. Note: Prior to June 24, 2019 the fund tracked the Indus India Index, which differed with respect to its screens.
公司网站 :
公司总部:Invesco India ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds