RODEseeks to provide exposure toequitieswithpositiverisk premium profiles while managingoverall volatility levels and active risks.RODE aims to achieve this by tracking an indexthatuses an optimizer to achieve amulti-layered risk-controlledportfolio thatselect and weightsits holdings fromaglobal ex-US universe based oncompany-, size-, sector-, and country-level diversification constraints.The index also targets up to a 15% reduction in volatility over a complete market cycle. Besides the risk constraints the index also selects stocksbased on value, momentum and quality. The Indexs components are adjusted twice annually, with a reconstitution and rebalance occurring in March and September. Thefund may also invest in ADRs, GDRs, EDRs, and certain derivatives or money market funds.Prior to November 6, 2019, RODE traded as Hartford Multifactor Low Volatility International Equity ETF (LVIN).
公司网站 :
公司总部:Hartford Multifactor Diversified International ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds