SAWG employs a risk-aware approach to investing in large-capitalization US growth equities. Portfolio selection is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. The quantitative component utilizes a proprietary model to assess companies across 26 factors grouped into seven categories: business valuation, equity valuation, profitability, earnings quality, price volatility, smoothed momentum and sales, earnings and margin stability. Followed by qualitative research to assess the growth potential and specific risks. The objective is to achieve risk-adjusted returns and long-term capital appreciation while managing downside risk and maintaining low volatility. Typically, the fund holds 40 to 60 high-quality growth stocks. Positions are sold when their quantitative ranking declines, fundamental factors change, risk profiles shift, or better investment opportunities arise.
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公司总部:ETF Series Solutions AAM Sawgrass US Large Cap Quality Growth ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds