SPQ employs an active approach to investing in core US equities by combining the exposure with a multiple quantitative investment strategy. The fund targets an allocation of 100% of fund net assets to US equities consisting of common, preferred, and futures on US common stocks or ETFs. Equity positions are selected based on expected return, expenses, management, and leveraging effects. When the adviser believes that conditions are unfavorable for the equity strategy, they may allocate up to 50% of the funds assets to the multiple quantitative investment strategy. This strategy entails investing in the Simplify Multi-QIS Alternative ETF, a portfolio of different asset classes that aims to provide attractive risk adjusted returns. The adviser rebalances the funds portfolio between the two strategies at least quarterly. The fund may take temporary defensive positions from time to time.
公司网站 :
公司总部:Simplify Exchange Traded Funds Simplify US Equity PLUS QIS ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds