KQQQ is actively managed to focus on growth and/or income generation from global large-cap technology stocks. Positions are established by either purchasing shares, similar ETFs, or synthetically using options. The underlying ETFs used are other Kurv ETFs that have income as their investment objective. The advisor actively manages the portfolio exposure by purchasing physical shares of stock or constructing a synthetic position based on growth and momentum factors. Calls may be written against a stock to generate income when the company is perceived to have limited upside potential or low price momentum. The strategy serves to potentially provide a small downside hedge but places a cap on the upside potential. Derivatives are used as an options-overlay strategy to leverage exposure or generate income, including selling naked options. As such, the fund will hold high-quality short-duration fixed income securities as collateral.
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公司总部:Kurv Technology Titans Select ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds