MDCP actively invests in mid-cap stocks using a bottom-up, fundamental research investment process. The portfolio comprises about 30 stocks believed to offer the highest adjusted return, which is calculated by applying a proprietary quality assessment and risk measures to each securitys pre-adjusted expected return. The quality assessment identifies high-quality companies based on their management, financial strength, industry position, and ESG rating. The ESG rating is derived using a proprietary methodology from an internal financial materiality map that considers how material various ESG factors are to a companys specific industry. The fund focuses on common stocks and expects to invest only 10% or less in foreign securities, ADRs, and GDRs. On February 1, 2024, the fund dropped ESG from its name. This change did not affect the funds investment strategy.
公司网站 :
公司总部:VictoryShares THB Mid Cap ETF
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds