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Papa John's International, Inc.(NASDAQ:PZZA)

{{price.price}} USD
最高:{{price.high}} 成交量:1056275 市销率:0.72% 每股收益(TTM):2.531
最低:{{price.low}} 成交额:49137913 市盈率(TTM):18.38% 52周最高:72
今开:{{}} 振幅:3.86% 净利率:4.05% 52周最低:35
昨收:{{price.close}} 一天跳空:-0.4 毛利率:347219000% 总市值:1519391492.9324
1周表现 -4.55 1月表现 16.74 3月表现 -7.77 6月表现 -2.07
YTD表现 11.99 1年表现 -34.29 5年表现 -15.63 10年表现 -23.55
1天波动率 5.35 1周波动率 5.41 1月波动率 6.77 成交量 1056275
1周成交量 4221723 1月成交量 4221723 符号详情:1天涨跌率 3.86 1周涨跌率 2.58
1月涨跌率 2.58 1天涨跌 1 1周涨跌 1 1月涨跌 1
今开 44 1周开盘价 45 1月开盘价 45 10天平均成交量 1381832.5
30天平均成交量 1804030.5 60天平均成交量 1598403.73 90天平均成交量 1442143.29 相对成交量 0.68
一天跳空 -0.4 一周跳空 -0.44 一月跳空 -0.44 1天相对成交量 0.77
1周相对成交量 0.53 1月相对成交量 0.16 1月最低低点 37 3月最低低点 35
6月最低低点 35 全部最低低点 1 52周最低 35 1月最高高点 54
3月最高高点 54 6月最高高点 60 全部最高高点 140 52周最高 72
基本每股收益(年度) 2.55 基本每股收益(TTM) 2.55 净收入(年度) 83486000 净收入(TTM) 83486000
毛利率(季度) 90320000 毛利率(年度) 347219000 毛利率(TTM) 347219000 每股收益预期(季度) 0.43
摊薄每股收益(季度) 0.44 摊薄每股收益(年度) 2.54 摊薄每股收益(TTM) 2.53 营销收入(TTM) 183997000
收入(年度) 2059387000 收入(TTM) 2059387000 融资CF(TTM) -91672000 经营CF(TTM) 106632000
投资CF(TTM) -17348000 资本支出(TTM) -72484000 自由现金流(TTM) 34148000 自由现金流(年度) 34148000
自由现金流(季度) 25195000 净债务(季度) 933173000 权益总额(季度) -413313000 商誉(季度) 75460000
现金等价物(季度) 37955000 现金等价物(年度) 37955000 手头现金(季度) 37955000 手头现金(季度) 37955000
总负债(季度) 230605000 总负债(年度) 1383156000 流动负债(季度) 277963000 流动资产(季度) 277963000
总债务(季度) 971128000 总资产(季度) 969843000 企业价值 2468777492.93 价格现金比 40.39
市场表现(1周) 市场表现(1个月) 市场表现(3个月) 市场表现(6个月)
市场表现(今年至今) 市场表现(1年) 市场表现(5年) 净利率(年度) 4.05
净利率(TTM) 4.05 毛利率(年度) 16.86 毛利率(TTM) 16.86 股本回报率(年度)
股本回报率(TTM) 经营利润率(年度) 8.93 经营利润率(TTM) 8.93
Papa John's International, Inc. engages in the operation and franchise of pizza delivery and carryout restaurants. It operates through the following segments: Domestic Company-owned Restaurants, North America Franchising, North America Commissaries, International Operations, and All Others. The Domestic Company-Owned Restaurants segment consists of retail sales of pizza and side items, breadsticks, cheese sticks, chicken poppers and wings, dessert items, and canned and bottled beverages. The North America Franchising segment involves the offering of sales and support activities, development rights, and collection of royalties from franchisees located in the United States and Canada. The North America Commissaries segment includes the eleven full-service regional dough production and distribution and quality control centers. The International Operations segment represents all restaurant operations outside of the United States and Canada. The All Others segment focuses on franchise contributions to marketing funds and sale, company-owned and franchised restaurants, information systems and related services used in restaurant operations, point-of-sale system, online and other technology-based ordering platforms, printing, and promotional items. The company was founded by John H. Schnatter in 1984 and is headquartered in Louisville, KY.

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总经理:Todd A. Penegor



领域:Consumer services
