USSH seeks to replicate the performance of an index comprised of US Treasurys maturing within one to three years and similar assets with comparable economic traits. The index excludes Treasury bills, inflation-linked bonds, state and local government series bonds, among others. Utilizing a laddering method for selection, USSH chooses one Treasury security monthly, favoring recent issuances in each month of the specified maturity range. This results in a diversified portfolio of 24 equally weighted securities. Monthly rebalancing and reconstitution of the index involve replacing securities with maturities under one year with those approaching the three-year mark. Should the index exhibit an industry concentration exceeding 25%, USSH mirrors this allocation, aiming for a systematic tracking approach. By emphasizing short-term US Treasury securities in selection and rebalancing, USSH aims to faithfully reflect the index.
公司网站 :
公司总部:WisdomTree 1-3 Year Laddered Treasury Fund
行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds