Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. engages in the manufacture and distribution of discrete semiconductors and passive electronic components. It operates through the following segments: MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor), Diodes, Optoelectronic Components, Resistors, Inductors, and Capacitors. The MOSFET segment offers semiconductors which function as solid state switches to control power. The Diodes segment produces semiconductors which route, regulate, and block radio frequency, analog, and power signals, protect systems from surges or electrostatic discharge damage, and provide electromagnetic interference filtering. The Optoelectronic Components segment includes components that emit light, detect light, or do both. The Resistors and Inductors segment deals with components that impede electric current. The Capacitors segment provides components which store energy and discharge it when needed. The company was founded by Felix Zandman in 1962 and is headquartered in Malvern, PA.
公司网站 :
总经理:Joel J. Smejkal
领域:Electronic technology
行业:Electronic production equipment