This ETN was delisted after the market close on 04/12/2018. . The note has been replaced by JJEB, which provides identical exposure. JJE distinguishes itself from front-month competitors by only holding every other contract on the five energy commodities it tracks. The note`s index begins tracking most of the contracts two months from maturity, and holds them until shortly before expiration. Brent crude exposure is slightly different: contracts are tracked starting three months from maturity and held until one month before delivery. The result is an index that strikes a balance between spot-price sensitivity and contango/roll costs. The five contracts are weighted by a combination of contract liquidity and global production. Although JJE comes a reasonable price, poor trading volume will make the note cost prohibitive for all but the most determined investors. Low assets raise the specter of closure (ETNs rarely close outright, but may be delisted by the issuer).
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行业:Investment trusts/Mutual funds