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Sime Darby Plantation Berhad(OTC:SDPNF)

{{price.price}} USD
最高:{{price.high}} 成交量:200 市销率:1.8% 每股收益(TTM):0.05573142
最低:{{price.low}} 成交额:200 市盈率(TTM):17.94% 52周最高:1
今开:{{}} 振幅:% 净利率:8.02% 52周最低:0
昨收:{{price.close}} 一天跳空: 毛利率:511557300% 总市值:6915720000
1周表现 1月表现 3月表现 6月表现 25
YTD表现 1年表现 7.53 5年表现 -16.67 10年表现 -4.76
1天波动率 1周波动率 1月波动率 成交量 200
1周成交量 200 1月成交量 200 符号详情:1天涨跌率 1周涨跌率
1月涨跌率 1天涨跌 1周涨跌 1月涨跌
今开 1 1周开盘价 1 1月开盘价 1 10天平均成交量 730.2
30天平均成交量 12735.8 60天平均成交量 90天平均成交量 相对成交量 0.2
一天跳空 一周跳空 一月跳空 1天相对成交量 0.2
1周相对成交量 0.2 1月相对成交量 0.18 1月最低低点 1 3月最低低点 1
6月最低低点 1 全部最低低点 52周最低 1月最高高点 1
3月最高高点 1 6月最高高点 1 全部最高高点 1 52周最高 1
基本每股收益(年度) 0.06 基本每股收益(TTM) 0.06 净收入(年度) 404558700 净收入(TTM) 385423200
毛利率(季度) 171164700 毛利率(年度) 593097270 毛利率(TTM) 511557300 每股收益预期(季度) 0.01
摊薄每股收益(季度) 0.03 摊薄每股收益(年度) 0.06 摊薄每股收益(TTM) 0.06 营销收入(TTM) 534072600
收入(年度) 4008064552.5 收入(TTM) 4806653400 融资CF(TTM) -281734917.3 经营CF(TTM) 650463869.7
投资CF(TTM) -396073905.3 资本支出(TTM) -513402102 自由现金流(TTM) 148960982 自由现金流(年度) 122732422
自由现金流(季度) -1452600 净债务(季度) 1723267800 权益总额(季度) 4232150100 商誉(季度)
现金等价物(季度) 146470500 现金等价物(年度) 180608085 手头现金(季度) 146470500 手头现金(季度) 180608085
总负债(季度) 1538061300 总负债(年度) 3044489527.5 流动负债(季度) 1182900600 流动资产(季度) 1182900600
总债务(季度) 1869738300 总资产(季度) 7492268700 企业价值 8743332900 价格现金比 47.22
市场表现(1周) 市场表现(1个月) 市场表现(3个月) 市场表现(6个月)
市场表现(今年至今) 市场表现(1年) 市场表现(5年) 净利率(年度) 10.09
净利率(TTM) 8.02 毛利率(年度) 14.8 毛利率(TTM) 10.64 股本回报率(年度) 10.91
股本回报率(TTM) 9.04 经营利润率(年度) 9.18 经营利润率(TTM) 11.11
SD Guthrie Bhd. engages in the production, processing, refining, and sales of palm oil and palm kernel oil, manufacturing and marketing of specialty fats and edible oils, rubber and other palm oil related products and investment holding. It operates through the following segments: Upstream Malaysia, Upstream Indonesia, Upstream Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island (PNG/SI), Downstream, and Other Operations. The Upstream Malaysia segment develops, cultivates, and manages oil palm and rubber plantation estates and milling of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) into crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel (PK), processing and sales of rubber. The Upstream Indonesia segment refers to the development, cultivation, and management of oil palm plantation estates, and milling of FFB into CPO and PK. The Upstream PNG/SI segment consists of the oil palm and sugar cane plantation estates, milling of FFB into CPO and PK, and refining of sugar cane, coconut oil, cattle rearing, and beef production. The Downstream segment is involved in the production and sale of refined oils and fats, coconut oils, biodiesel products, crude palm kernel oil, and palm kernel expeller. The Other Operations segment refers to the trading of agricultural products and services, production and sale of oil palm seeds and seedlings, sale of oleochemical products, research and breeding programs of oil palm and rubber, and development of green technology and renewable energy, which includes bio-based chemicals, biogas, and composting. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

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总经理:Mohamad Helmy bin Othman Basha


公司总部:Petaling Jaya

领域:Process industries

行业:Agricultural commodities/Milling